Wow, it's been a very long time since I've posted, but so much has happened in the last year.  I joined an incredible startup called Parse, and am working on things I've never been more excited about.

I'm also happy to announce that I’ve finished porting my digital pitch pipe application, “Pitch Perfect” from its original Windows Phone 7 incarnation to iOS, and it’s now available for free (ad-based) from the app store!  I hope you’ll give it a try, add a rating, and so on.  The Android version of the app now has over 135,000 downloads on the Google Play store and a rating of 4/5 stars (the Windows Phone version has about 14,000 downloads -- not too shabby either!), so I'm hoping the iOS incarnation will be welcomed with open arms as well!

I've even integrated Parse into my apps so that you can sign in using your Facebook ID and your song list will be kept in the cloud in case you ever switch devices (as I do frequently!).

As always, I’ll leave you with the goods.  You can find the details here:

Or get it directly from the App Store: